Wednesday, March 24, 2010

The ARCANOMICON of Eugenium Knott-Oberholt, WIZARD

Entry 461. The fire in this cottager's hearth is just a glimmer now. I am in a strange place, far from my experiments and little sister and Nanu. It's not a very nice hut, not far from a not-very-nice bog, but it seems warmer and nicer right here by the fire, my new friends all sleeping around me, than it does in my residence in Upper Valon. Perhaps the arcane properties of Valonian ice have a chilling effect on things besides ice? Or perhaps the absence of arcane properties in a place like this makes it seem more--*real*, like they said last night? I don't know. All I know is that I feel kind of--happy?

Entry 462. Somehow I thought that being a powerful wizard, a Chosen One, or a chosen one of a Chosen One, would be easier. But it's hard to avoid dire spiders when they drop from trees on your head! I am deeply embarrassed by the failure of my spells, especially because Tamsen's seem to have been much more effective. Everyone was so busy fighting, though, that they hardly noticed. Pavel sure does know his way around a riposte strike. Anyway, I should remind myself that an arcanomicon is not a place for idle speculations as to emotional states, but a place for serious reflection on my craft and arcanoscientific observations. Let us consider, therefore, the dire spider leg:

It is 56 qubits in length when fully extended, but considerably less when its segments are allowed to fold in, as they naturally tend to do. It is covered in coarse hairs that become finer on the posterior of the leg (facing what would have been the spider's body) and that become coarser closer to the bottom, almost horn-like, even, probably so that the spider can climb (and pounce from trees on unsuspecting wizards) more easily. It is surprisingly strong, despite a rather delicate appearance, has no discernible smell, and (I did it when no one was looking) a very disagreeable taste, contrary to the culinary opinion we heard in the nearby town.

Chypirius, the Chosen One? a Real Adventurer?

Am I a chosen one? Is that possible? What does that even mean?

The Council was no help. They told us that they couldn’t do anything except call a meeting. What did they want us to do? Keep a dream journal. Yeah right. That won’t save Ashleigh and the gang.

That night we had more dreams (nightmares… omens…) Gnolls, a mausoleum, a shaman with a bone headdresses, and a skeletal face with burning red eyes… 12 keys… They open a door in Tarnull Port (Where is that?)… The first key is in a nearby bog infested with giant spiders?

I guess I need to roll with it. Some answers would be nice, but I guess intrigue is an important part of adventure, right? I’m really on an adventure… wow. Chyprius, the Bard of Valon and budding adventurer!

I sang the Traveler's Chant, a 10-minute song I've been learning in Bardic Performance Studies: Songs of Inspiration. We walked really fast!

We ran into Amores Thrucold and his guard Naydra on the road. Those criminals were selling the belongings of Avalonian teens to some creep in the bog, who uses their stuff to turn them into slaves! One of the items was Tamsen's comb! She could have been turned into a slave! We’re going to put a stop to that nonsense.

With one adventure, we might get one of the 12 keys, stop a villain and get a dire spider leg (long story…).

After a battle with them, which we won, we ushered the Dwarven jerks into the village. The villagers will keep them there, and we will turn them in to the proper authorities in Valon on our return journey. I know this won’t make me popular with the rougher side of L.V., but hey, adventurers do good, get treasure, and become the inspiration for epic tales. Those are all I want out of life. I want to have fun, make a difference, and be remembered.

In the village, we met Xavier, a kind man. We stayed with his family. He fed us and gave us a place to sleep by the fire. I entertained his family and other local children with juggling, songs and tales of adventure.

Villages are so different from cities. They all seemed so happy. Their home was filled with love, and joy. I’ve never felt so much love before. Their family seemed to really love each other, and crazier yet… they seemed to like each other…

The next morning we left and on our way to investigate the bog we were attacked by giant spiders! I was doing so well, but I’m ashamed to say that at one point, I nearly ran away. I decided to keep my ground, and immediately after, one of the spiders, the size of Trinna Wadskull, drove its fangs into my flesh, and I passed out… poisoned and dying. Tamsen brought me back. I’m so glad Pavel picked us up some healing potions.

Tamsen is my best friend. Pavel and Eugenium… well, I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have picked them. I can also honestly say, now that I am with them, I wouldn’t pick anyone else.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The DAILY ARCANOMICON of Eugenium Knott-Oberholt, WIZARD

Entry 460. My experiments with Valonian ice will have to wait. Something--perhaps my blood tie to cousin Ashleigh, but more likely my extensive knowledge of the arcane arts--has caused either the vestiges or souls of the Chosen Ones to make contact with me. They have also made contact with Tamsen, Pavel, and Chyp. We have taken our news to the Council and are currently waiting to hear what they think we should do. Until then I ponder with deep interest the fabric of these dream visions. The Chosen Ones have made clear to us that they are not dead, so they are not undead manifestations of spirit energy. Are they arcane sendings? Astral projections? Simulated simulacra? I should bring up this subject with Tamsen--I am sure she would be interested in it as well. Also: I cast Lepidus' Subzero Projectile (vulgar name: Ray of Frost) on a living target today with quite satisfying results. The victim was some human ruffian who was robbing Tamsen and may be involved in a scheme to collect, with nefarious arcane purpose, no doubt, the hair of adolescents.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Chypirius, Halfling Slayer

I sliced Trinna Wadskull in two. I didn't mean to. I mean, I meant to hurt her, she was robbing Tamsen, then threw a knife at Eugenium, but Corellan save me, I didn't mean to slice the woman in two. I was there in Tamsen's front yard, covered in her blood. Everything else is a blur. There was so much blood, thick clotted brown blood.

Sure, she's a scoundrel. I've known for years about Trinna's tricks about town. She's a real snake. I mean, she was a real snake. Now she's not much of anything.

Is this what adventurers do? Do they kill halflings? Is this my epic destiny?

The ritual to contact Illander failed.

Everything is falling apart.

I had another dream about Ashleigh. Tamsen, Eugenium and Pavel had their dreams again too. What in the name of the Infernal Planes is going on here? Apparently they are trapped in the Shadowfell and they are coming to us in our dreams asking for help. Why us? What am I to do? I sing songs of friendship and the most valorous act I've ever committed was slicing Trinna Wadskull in two for stealing some trinkets from Tamsen's house.

She was with two others. Eugenium froze one of them to death. Can I take comfort in the fact that I'm not the only murderer? Honestly, I was impressed with how well Eugenium stood his ground and fought with us. His actions seemed heroic. I just felt evil. It was a gratuitous display of violence. If I turn into my father, then kill me now.

The one of the three burglars who survived said that they were collecting teenager hairs. I don't understand any of this.

My thoughts are all over the place.

We went to the council, the three of us. Pavel wouldn't come. He stormed off again. I feel like a fink "telling the authorities" or whatever, but really, this is way beyond me. I'm just a kid with a lyre. I can juggle, I can dance, I know some songs and some poems, I can cast some basic rituals, and if I am attacked by a gang of halfling women, we can rest assured that I will cackle as I bathe in their blood, but the Shadowfell, the Chosen Ones, I don't understand any of this.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

The DAILY ARCANOMICON of Eugenium Knott-Oberholt, WIZARD

Entry 458. My etiquette test is tomorrow, which means I do not have time this evening for pleasure reading, i.e., Quirinus's A History of Arcano-Naval Stratagems or, even better, Travels on the Planes: Throgmorton's Picturesque Diary of a Year in the Elemental Chaos. My alchemical experiments with Avalonian ice will also have to wait, though I am very excited by last week's finding that it melts at the same rate as mundane ice when exposed to magical fire subsisting on a 6:3:1 ratio of sulphur, brimstone, and residuum. I wonder if I could devise an infernal compound that undoes fey-based enchantment. Maybe I should talk to Tamsen about it? I wish she would show me her powers. Her warlock powers, of course.

Entry 459. It is lucky that I carry my daily arcanomicon with me wherever I go, because I am at Tamsen's party and writing in it is the only thing I can think to do until the ritual starts. Ritual, you ask? Why yes; it's an almost certain-to-fail, cobbled-together rudimentary composite of a sending and a speak-with-dead ritual, the components of which I had to help procure by breaking into Iliaebor's tower with Pavel and Tamsen. The good part is that now Pavel really thinks I'm cool and smart, Chyp, who is a really good friend, thinks I'm even cooler than he did before--and, well, Tamsen and I were alone together for a second beneath a fruit tree. I think she might be a little intimidated by me. And the wizard Illiaebor was impressed by my knowledge and, additionally, my tactful use of etiquette (I of course passed my test).

One more thing: last night I had a realistic dream vision of a warrior-like Viridistanian in my laboratory. I think it was Sadush Seaborn, the one who disappeared with cousin Ashley.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

From the Diary of Tamsen Larkspur


I was just returning some stolen garments to my walk-in when I decided to shut the door, take a load off, and write in you, dear diary. (Corellan, I forgot I had you! The last entry is from, like, three years ago and about something shitty Ashleigh Oberholt did to Eugenium after Enthusiasm Squad.) Anyway, I don't have long before people will miss me. Yes, there's another party here in the Chalet! My parents will flip, but I really didn't mean to let this happen again.

These past two weeks have been totally nuts. I took the eldritch pact two weeks ago and my life will never be the same. In a way, it's good. The boring life my parents laid out for me is no longer possible. I'll never be somebody's demure little wife, running an estate and barking orders at servants. On the other hand, and just between you and me, I think my pact was with something evil and not with the fey like I thought. I should have known that when the ritual called for me to eat the raw brains from a goats head that meant it wasn't a feywild pact.

Ugh! Peer pressure!

Now I can feel all this power surging throughout my body. It's very... disturbing. And a little exciting? Also, the chalet is haunted because of my pact (we think.) I had a dream that the missing girl named Laird was here and the same night Chip, who was sleeping over, saw ASHLEIGH OBERHOLT IN MY KITCHEN!!!! This is getting so scary and everybody is talking about me behind my back.

Anyway, Chip and I went to L.V. to see the Smokin' Crystals. They were so awesome!!! I wish I was as tough and cool as those two women. Maybe I will be now that I'm a warlock. I can't wait to get out of school and adventure and shed the shackles of privilege. I'm off track again...

The party happening outside my closet door is for that girl Jara, who wants to take the eldritch pact. FUCK. HER. Ugh! I told her it was dangerous, but she just wants to be cool. Well, trying to be cool is what killed Yew Tosscobble and that first year boy whose name I can't remember. Chip and I bought some elixer to use during her "pact." We're going to make her get undressed and have Jana and Jacqueline rub it on her so they'll all sprout hair.

The bigger news, however, is that Jara has a spell that (hopefully) will let us contact Illander Illrune beyond the grave. Correlan, I miss him so! I guess some people are too beautiful for this world. We didn't have the proper componenets (saphire dust and a dire spider leg) so me and Eugenium and Pavel broke into my neighbor Illyabore's (sp?) tower and convinced him to give it to us. Ugh! He finally did after cutting off a lock of my hair and making us promise to replace the ingrediants within two days with a note from my parents. Ugh! How is that even possible? (I have some of the elixer on my head right now. Grow, bangs, grow!)

When i got back to the chalet there were about a billion people here. (I forgot to mention that the Smokin' Crystals are playing AT MY HOUSE! Chip is, like, dying.) Some bitches were trying to steal my clothes so I threatened to curse them. It's funny, I didn't realize until just now writing it that I ACTUALLY CAN CURSE PEOPLE.

Anyway, we're about to try the spell so I should go. I few thoughts.

1. Having power is scary.

2. I can make boys do just about anything.

3. I'm really lucky to have Chip for a friend.

4. Pavel wasn't wearing a shirt and he has a smoking body! OMG a totally have a girl boner for his abs.

5. I spent all my gold. Corellan, that means I have to ask my parents for me.

6. I think Eugenium disapproves of my power. I'm not totally sure if that matters to me? I just feel this weird connection to him because his cousin was my best friend for years and years and years.

7. I failed my Etiquette test. UGH!

Tamsen Larkspur

Chypirius, The Bard of Valon and Jerra's Pact Party

OK, so Will tells me about the Smoking Crystals show down at the Pendulous Bosom. Um, how did I miss that? I’m the guy who pays attention to that stuff. At least I have good buddies like Will to keep me in the loop when I’m clearly not paying attention. I guess all this stuff with Tamsen taking the pact has had me all distracted. She is actually really sensitive, and no one really seems to see that side of her. Everyone just thinks she’s this rich party girl, but deep down inside she has a lot of soul. She’s been pretty shaken lately by all this.

It’s great. I get lots of best friend time with Tamsen lately and I rarely have to go back to that shitbox in L.V. I’m not a snob or anything. I don’t imagine myself ever living in Upper Valon myself, but man, my house is just, whatever.

She’s got my back too. It the little things, like at Jerra’s pact party, Eugenium of all people showed up. I feel bad for the guy, because no one likes him. I tried to like him, but he makes it really hard. It’s like he intentionally digs himself into these socially awkward rabbit holes. So he shows up and I whisper to Tamsen, “Ugh, Eugenium is here” and she just said “Oh, he’s not that bad.” You know what? She’s right! If I start acting like that I’ll be as bad as any of the mean girls on the elite squad, and that’s not me. I am just so worried what people are going to think about me if they see me with him. Man. At least she’s keeping me real.

So the Smoking Crystals show was great and Ann was looking so hot. That girl is like twice my size, but when I look at her, I feel like a man. She kept looking at me during the show. I think she likes me. I hope she doesn’t just think I’m cute. Everyone thinks I’m cute, like some little brownie or something. I’m not a fairy, I’m a man. Hopefully I’ll get taller than this soon and grow a big beard and everyone will see just how manly, masculine and sexy I can be.

After the show I went up to Ann and we talked about lyre techniques and I told her what I fan I am, and she and Nancy decided to come along to Jerra’s pact party with us! Awesome.

So yeah, Jerra’s party. Maybe this is mean, but Tamsen and I are planning a little prank on Jerra. I mean, really, everyone acts like taking the pact is this funny, cool thing. But it’s not. It’s real and it’s scary. So we went to Ferrowick’s herb shop and we got this fast acting hair tonic that we are going to tell her it is an essential ointment for the pact. We’re going to light some candles, tell her to get undressed, I’ll strum my lyre, we’ll have her friends rub the ointment on her, we’ll do some chanting and then she’ll get all covered in hair, and then we’ll just say, “Oh no Jenna! It looks like it didn’t work!” That’s the plan anyway. I know it’s mean, and I’m not a mean guy, but really, this trend needs to stop someone. We’re doing everyone a favor.

This party got out of control real fast. Pavel, that brooding bad boy I think I’ve said three words to in my whole life, left with Eugenium and Tamsen to break into the neighbor’s house for some spell components. Oh! Why were Pavel and Eugenium hanging out? I did not expect that.

The components are for this bogus, or probably bogus, scroll that Jerra has that she wants to use to communicate with Illander Illrune. That would be wild if it worked, but it won’t. Anyway, why not try, right?

While they were gone, stuff got real crazy, real fast. I was putting the moves on Ann, and she was totally into it! Then Boramur tossed his cookies in the pool. Oh man, and I was left in charge. I had to go and clean it up. Once I finished, girls where running around in Tamsen’s clothes, the Smoking Crystals started playing again, people were dancing, some jerk was swinging on the chandelier, and of course this is when Tamsen gets back. Poor girl, they got caught and that jerk wizard took some of her hair. We went into the bedroom and I applied some of the tonic to her head. I hope it works, and I hope it works right. That’d be horrible if she had a big patch of badger hair on her head or something.

Anyways, we are going to try the scroll in a bit. Since Eugenium is here, and he really is a totally talented wizard, and maybe my lame-ass bard magic can help a little.

Oh yeah, I also had this really life-like dream that Ashleigh was in Tamsen’s kitchen. Which is weird, because I don’t think Ashleigh knew how to cook.