Wednesday, May 5, 2010

From the Diary of Tamsen Larkspur

Dear Diary,

So we went back to that keep and were nearly killed by a dire board and some goblins. Stupid Pavel decided this was a marvelous time to show his stupid face again. Just as he was running up, Eugenium ran off! What is wrong with these boys? Are they just cowards? At least Chyp is dependable.

Chyp and Pavel were both unconscious from the fray (I hadn’t even been hit!) when the wizard Thienthedel showed up and I got him to call off his goblins and revive the boys. He took us down to the barracks (Merrick from school was don there. A Slave!) Thienthedel was going to make us sleep there, but Chyp got him to agree to letting us rest in his private chambers instead.

It was kind of awkward. All of us on furs and Thienthedel on his girly bed with goblin guards watching always. I had this brilliant idea that of course nobody listened to. I suggested we steal something of Thienthedel’s and throw it into the pond, drawing him out of the keep. BUUUUUUT NNOOOOOOO. Don’t listen to Tamsen. Anyway, they tried to shackle our legs. (As if!) We totally ran and then killed a bunch of goblins on the draw bridge. Who knows what we’ll do next. We think the first key is in there, so we have to go back in don’t we?

Here’s something weird…. I’m still adjusting to my warlock powers and some of them are… well, a little dark. I can make people vomit magical fire and conjure magical crowns of thorns and shoot lazers and stuff. I guess that's just what you get when you make a pact with the infernal but this is both frightening and awesome. While I was on the bridge I realized I could climb walls like a spider if I wanted to. I was even able to make little webs come out of my hands and feet. Being a warlock is so gross!

I didn’t tell the others. I think maybe I’ll surprise them.



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